Comment rédiger sa lettre de motivation en anglais ?

En anglais tout comme en français, une lettre de motivation vous permet de personnaliser votre candidature afin de vous démarquer et ainsi marquer l’esprit du recruteur. Il faut donc être pertinent, efficace et convaincant.

Comment rédiger une lettre de motivation en anglais qui soit unique ? Que faut-il inclure dans la lettre de motivation, et que ne faut-il pas dire ?

Lettre de motivation en anglais : la structure

Il n’existe pas de «format officiel» d’une lettre de motivation en anglais. Néanmoins, celle-ci doit être organisée et ordonnée, sur le fond et la forme, donc dans la façon dont vous présentez les informations mais aussi au niveau de son aspect visuel.

Votre CV en anglais fait état de votre expérience. Il s’agit de faits. La lettre est plus personnelle et son but est de marquer l’esprit du recruteur, en montrant votre unicité.

Ainsi faut-il rédiger une lettre de motivation unique pour chaque emploi auquel vous postulez. Prendre en compte la culture d’entreprise, les codes du secteur que vous visez est aussi important. On ne s’adresse pas une entreprise spécialisée dans les jeux vidéo et à une banque de la même façon.

Une lettre de motivation réussie en anglais contient les rubriques suivantes :

  • une introduction
  • des exemples de vos réalisations passées (vous avez atteint vos objectifs de vente, vous avez formé une équipe de 5 personnes)
  • une conclusion avec une invitation à la rencontre (“call to action” en anglais donc “appel à l’action”)

Montrez comment vous pouvez apporter de la valeur à l’entreprise.

La Society for Human Resources a interrogé des organisations sur la lettre de motivation idéale et il s’avère que les réponses à ses 3 questions doivent y figurer :

  • En quoi votre expérience correspond-elle aux exigences du poste ?
  • Comment vos compétences répondent-elles aux exigences du poste ?
  • Pourquoi souhaitez-vous travailler au sein de cette entreprise ?

Le storytelling

Les anglophones adorent le storytelling. Captivez donc l’attention du recruteur en racontant une histoire. Vous souhaitez travailler dans un salon de coiffure ? Racontez en introduction que vous coiffiez votre maman quand vous étiez petit et qu’en grandissant vous n’avez pas perdu cette passion…

Ce qu’il ne faut pas faire

  • Rédiger une autobiographie

N’essayez pas d’inclure toutes vos expériences passées (ce n’est pas une autobiographie). Seules les plus pertinentes doivent être indiquées.

  • Ne pas utiliser de correcteur d’orthographe

Même si vous maitrisez la langue de Shakespeare, il est conseillé d’utiliser un correcteur de grammaire et d’orthographe. et Grammarly ont fait leurs preuves !

  • Ne pas faire de recherche sur l’entreprise

Visitez leur site Internet pour avoir de plus amples informations sur leur culture (plutôt startup ou plutôt formelle ?). Cela vous aidera à choisir le ton de votre lettre de motivation en anglais.

Lire des exemples de lettres de motivation en anglais peut également aider. En voici quelques unes.

Exemples de lettres de motivation en anglais

Postuler dans un café

Cet exemple vient du site

Sofia Flores
(123) 456-7891
[email protected]

November 20, 2019

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am not just another young adult looking for a job at a coffee shop. I live and breathe coffee, and I absolutely adore Cloud Clearwater. I am excited to apply for the Barista opening at Cloud Clearwater because I am passionate about foam, caffeine, and smiling, and I love the inviting atmosphere.
At my last position as Barista for the coffee shop at Retail Ocean, I perfected our signature coffee swirl in a record two weeks. In 14 days, I learned to not only make the lattes themselves but also craft an absolutely perfect Retail Ocean wave atop the steaming cup, and I know that I could quickly learn to craft any foam creation for this new position. Beyond that, I would love to branch out from my coffee interests to pastries, teas, and the other menu items offered at Cloud Clearwater.

I am outgoing, extroverted, and would easily blend with the already vibrant staff employed with Cloud Clearwater. I work extremely well under pressure, and I am able to grin on cue despite the morning and evening rushes that might stress some people out. In addition to all of these skills, I also have a fantastic memory and have been known to memorize drink orders to faces, therefore speeding up clogged lines. Along with these behind-the-counter talents, I am also dedicated to the tasks that aren’t coffee related too. Stocking can be fun, and I would love to join the team to be the Barista you need when you need it!

Thank you so much for your consideration, and I hope to hear from you soon. I can be reached at either [email protected] or (123) 456-7891.


Sofia Flores

Lettre de motivation en anglais pour un stage

C’est le site qui a rédigé cette lettre.

Dear John Smith,

I am writing in regards of the vacancy for the consultancy internship with PwC, as advertised on RateMyPlacement. Please find my CV attached.

I am particularly drawn to this internship at PwC because of its concentration on sustainability and climate change consultancy. PwC is the market-leader in this field, and I am fascinated by the strategies PwC puts in place to help an organisation meet its social and environmental goals. I have been reading about PwC’s recent project, involving the implementation of new sustainability procedures in government buildings across the UK. My involvement in the ‘Clear Up Our Campus’ campaign at university was similar, and makes me a perfect candidate for this internship.

As my CV describes, I am two years into a Sustainable Engineering degree, achieving high grades in modules that focussed on sustainable planning in urban environment. My studies have imparted a groundwork of knowledge, and analytical skills that are crucial for a career in this field of consultancy. I also have three years of work experience at The Bear Factory, which has imparted great collaborative skills.

Thank you for considering my application, I look forward to the opportunity to discuss the programme further in an interview.

Yours Sincerely,

Your Name.

Lettre de motivation en anglais dans le cadre d’Erasmus

Cet exemple provient du site de l’université d’Ottawa au Canada.

February 28th, 2012

Dear Members of the Selection Committee,

I thank you for considering my request to attend the fall semester of 2012 at Korea University. If selected, I will be a fourth year student in Mathematics. I want to participate in an international exchange for various reasons. This is a unique opportunity for me to live in another country and immerse myself in a different culture and language.

I am particularly interested in travelling to Korea because of the richness of its culture and for its reputation for welcoming international visitors. Their unique history and the separation of the two Koreas are of great interest to me, as well as more recent Korean culture, such as K-Pop. Contrary to Canadian society, South Korea’s population is very homogeneous, as there is only one Korean ethnicity and there are few foreigners. Seoul will also be a great place to observe the clash between the highly traditional and modern sides of South Korean society.

I chose Korea University because it is one of the highest ranked universities in the country, and it is located in Seoul. Attending this university will help me learn to work in another way, and to appreciate how Korean schools approach mathematics. Although mathematics is the same internationally, schools abroad teach it in various ways, which in turn will increase my capacity to adapt to different teaching methods. This was particularly important to me, as I have always wanted to teach mathematics abroad. This exchange program is therefore the opportunity of a lifetime to observe how teaching is done in East Asia. Korea University also offers courses in my field of study which are not available at the University of Ottawa, such as Bayesian Statistics.

I have always been a highly motivated person, as is apparent through my academic success. This summer, I will work on a research project in statistics with one of my university professors. Finally, I have travelled internationally with family and friends on numerous occasions and am fully confident that these experiences and my open-mindedness make me the ideal candidate for the exchange program.

I thank you for taking the time to consider my application. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to contact me at the email address given below at any time.


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